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Projects of IEC/TC 72

IEC 72/481/DC 2000-10-27 Document for comment: Proposal of the British National Committee for additional mechanical tests for thin sheet accessible insulation to be included in IEC 60730-1. More  Comment 
IEC 72/462/DC 2000-07-14 Draft for comment: Strategic Policy Statement for IEC TC 72 More  Comment 
IEC 72/461/DC 2000-07-14 Document for comment: Proposal of the Netherlands National Committee to extend the scope to include certain industrial applications More  Comment 
IEC 72/451/DC 2000-05-12 Proposed Amendment to IEC 60730-1 : Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 1: General Requirements More  Comment 
IEC 72/435/DC 2000-01-21 Amendment to IEC 60730-2-17: Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for electrically operated gas valves, including mechanical requirements More  Comment 
IEC 72/394/NP 1997-08-29 Proposal of CENELEC TC 72: Amendment to IEC 60730-2-2 (1990): Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors, Clause 20.101 More  Comment 
IEC 72/395/NP 1997-08-29 Proposal of CENELEC TC 72: Amendment to IEC 60730-2-3 (1990): Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors for ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps. Clause 20.2.101 More  Comment 
IEC 72/396/NP 1997-08-29 Proposal of CENELEC TC 72: Amendment to IEC 60730-2-4 (1990): Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2: Particular requirements for motor compressors of hermetic and semi-hermetic type. Clause 20.101 More  Comment 
IEC 72/397/NP 1997-08-29 Proposal of CENELEC TC 72 for IEC TC 72/WG 6 to prepare a guide to the application of the various types of temperature sensing controls More  Comment 
IEC 72/797/RR Review report on several publications of TC72 More  Comment