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Connection between the contributions of CEW to sustainability and achievement of the SDGs
Artificial Intelligence - Overview of Al tasks and functionalities related to natural language processing
DIN EN 14587-3
Railway applications - Infrastructure - Flash butt welding of rails - Part 3: Welding in association with crossing construction; German and English version prEN 14587-3:2025
DIN EN 50663
Generic standard for assessment of low power electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300 GHz)
DIN EN IEC 61850-6/A2
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs
DIN EN IEC 62359
Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices and acoustic intensities related to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields
DIN IEC/TS 63526
Gap Analysis on Standards Related to City Information Modelling and Urban Digital Twins
IEC/AWI TS 63526
Gap Analysis on Standards Related to City Information Modelling and Urban Digital Twins
ISO/CD TR 7016
Connection between the contributions of CEW to sustainability and achievement of the SDGs
ISO/DIS 8347
Measurement procedures associated with the chain of custody in native tropical forest management areas