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DIN EN IEC 62488-1
Power line communication systems for power utility applications - Part 1: Planning of analogue and digital power line carrier systems operating over HV electricity grids
IEC 46C/283/CD
IEC 61156-1, Amendment 1: Generic specification for Capability Approval for multicore and symmetrical pair cables for digital communication
IEC 46C/381/CDV
Amendment to IEC 61156-4, Clause 3.3.1 - Sectional specification for multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications - Riser cables - Specification for velocity of propagation
IEC 46C/429/FDIS
Amendment 2 to IEC 61156-2-1 - Sub-clause 3.3.1: Velocity of propagation
IEC 46C/496/FDIS
Revision of IEC 61156-1 - Multicore and symmetrical pair cables for digital communication, to include unbalance attenuation, (clause 2.1.7 and 3.3.3) - Part 1: Generic specification
DKE/K 412
Kommunikationskabel (Kabel, Leitungen, Wellenleiter, Lichtwellenleiter, Komponenten, Zubehör und Anlagentechnik für die Nachrichten- und Informationsübertragung)
DIN 1319-2/A1
Fundamentals of metrology - Part 2: Terminology related to measuring equipment - Amendment 1