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IEC 91/905/CDV
IEC 61182-2-2: Printed board assembly products - Manufacturing description data and transfer methodology - Part 2-2: Sectional requirements for implementation of printed board fabrication data description
IEC 111/204/NP
Quantification methodology of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) for electrical and electronic products and systems
IEC 111/205/NP
Quantification Methodology of greenhouse gas emission (CO2e) reductions for electrical and electronic products and systems from the project baseline
ISO/AWI 5877
Sensory Analysis - Methodology - General guidance for conducting perception tests with consumers in real or simulated usage/consumption situations
ISO/AWI 16436-2
Implants for surgery - Wear of total shoulder-joint prostheses - Part 2: Methodology for simulator wear testing of reverse total shoulder-joint prostheses
ISO/AWI 25027
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Methodology for the carbon footprint calculation of traction lithium-ion batteries at the stage of use
ISO/AWI 25409
Radiological protection - Radioactivity measurements - Methodology for the evaluation of the personal radon exposure
ISO/AWI TS 20077-4
Road vehicles - Extended vehicle (ExVe) methodology - Part 4: Data structure description
ISO/CD 14243-1
Implants for surgery - Wear of total knee-joint prostheses - Part 1: Methodology for simulator wear testing of tibio-femoral joints under force control.
ISO/CD 14243-3
Implants for surgery - Wear of total knee-joint prostheses - Part 3: Methodology for simulator wear testing of tibio-femoral joints under displacement control.