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DIN EN ISO 18374
Dentistry - Artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented intelligence (AuI) based 2D radiograph analysis - Data generation, data annotation and data processing (ISO/FDIS 18374:2025); German version EN ISO 18374:2025
FprEN ISO 18374
Dentistry - Artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented intelligence (AuI) based 2D radiograph analysis - Data generation, data annotation and data processing (ISO/FDIS 18374:2025)
DIN SPEC 91487
Terms, definitions and characteristics for the use of digital twins of electric vehicles
DIN SPEC 91520
Interface between quantum computer backends and software frameworks
DIN SPEC 27557
European Cloud Service Data Protection Controls Catalogue
DIN SPEC 91524
Guide for compliance management systems in small and medium enterprises
DIN SPEC 66336
Quality requirements for online services and portals in public administration (service standard)
DIN SPEC 91377
Data models and protocols in open urban platforms
DIN SPEC 91315
General requirements for plasma sources for the generation of cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) for medical applications
DIN SPEC 91500
Requirements for the structural and procedural organization of construction projects