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Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 13431

Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Determination of tensile creep and creep rupture behaviour (ISO 13431:2024); German version EN ISO 13431:2024
Edition 2024-11

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 50928

Corrosion of metals - Testing and assessment of the corrosion protection of coated metallic materials under corrosive action by aqueous media
Edition 2019-03

Draft standard

DIN EN 10338

Hot rolled and cold rolled non-coated products of multiphase steels for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions; German and English version prEN 10338:2024
Edition 2024-09

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 17399

Algae and algae products - Vocabulary; German version EN 17399:2024
Edition 2024-10

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 24478

Railway applications - Braking - General vocabulary (ISO 24478:2023, including Corrected version 2024-04); German version EN ISO 24478:2024
Edition 2024-10

Draft standard

DIN EN 12106

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE), crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) and unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) pipes - Test method for the resistance to internal pressure after application of squeeze-off; German and English version prEN 12106:2024
Edition 2024-06

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 17957

Vapour products - Vaping regime for products intended to be used for direct to lung inhalation; German version EN 17957:2024
Edition 2024-12

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 6887-1

Microbiology of the food chain - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Part 1: General rules for the preparation of the initial suspension and decimal dilutions (ISO 6887-1:2017 + Amd 1:2024); German version EN ISO 6887-1:2017 + A1:2024
Edition 2024-12

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 12665

Light and lighting - Basic terms and criteria for specifying lighting requirements; German version EN 12665:2024
Edition 2024-10

Standards [available pre-publication]

DIN EN ISO 13695

Optics and photonics - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for the spectral characteristics of lasers (ISO 13695:2024); German version EN ISO 13695:2024
Edition 2025-04