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Application of cables and cords in power installations - Part 3: Guide to use of non-harmonized cables
Edition 2006-06

Application of cables and cords in power installations - Part 4: Recommended current-carrying capacity for sheathed and nonsheathed cables for fixed wirings in and around buildings and for flexible cables and cords
Edition 2023-06

Application of cables and cords in power installations - Part 4: Recommended current-carrying capacity for sheathed and nonsheathed cables for fixed wirings in and around buildings and for flexible cables and cords; Corrigendum 1
Edition 2023-10

Testing of electrical insulating materials; low voltage; high current arc resisting test
Edition 1990-07

Testing of electrical insulating materials - Low voltage - High current arc resisting test; Corrigendum 1
Edition 2018-12

Testing of insulating materials; dielectric properties of solid insulating materials within a frequency range from 8,2 GHz to 12,5 GHz
Edition 1986-10

Testing of insulating materials; methods of test for the determination of ionic impurities in electrical insulating materials by extraction with liquids; identical with IEC 60589:1977 (status as of 1978)
Edition 1991-04

Cellulosic paper for electrical purposes; definitions and general requirements; identical with IEC 60554-1:1977 (status 1983)
Edition 1988-11

Cellulosic paper for electrical purposes; specifications; general purpose electrical papers; identical with IEC 60554-3-1:1979
Edition 1988-11

Cellulosic paper for electrical purposes; specifications; capacitor papers; identical with IEC 60554-3-2:1983
Edition 1988-11