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Administrative provision

WoBauFöBestVV BW

Regulations on the promotion of council housing in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Housing Promotion Regulations 1977 - WFB 1977)
Edition 1977-06-30

Administrative provision

WoBauFöBestVVÄndVV BW 1978

Amendment to the regulations on the promotion of council housing in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Housing Promotion Regulations 1977 - WFB 1977)
Edition 1978-07-13

Administrative provision

WoBauFöBestVVÄndVV BW 1979

Amendment to the building regulations on the promotion of council housing in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Housing Promotion Regulations 1977 - WFB 1977)
Edition 1979-10-10

Administrative provision

WoBauFöBestVVÄndVV BW 1982

Amendment to the regulations on the promotion of council housing in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Housing Promotion Regulations 1977 - WFB 1977)
Edition 1982-02-24

Administrative provision

DIN18017T3EErl HE

Technical building regulations; DIN 18017 part 3; ventilation of bathrooms and flush toilets without outside windows by fans
Edition 1972-03-09

Administrative provision

SchulBauFRLÄndVV BW 2

Administrative regulation on the 2nd amendment of the guidelines for granting subsidies for school building promotion (School Building Promotion Guidelines - SchBauFR)
Edition 1985-07-04

Administrative provision

StrObfläwasBehVV BW

Administrative regulation on layout, dimensioning, design and operation of drainage systems for road surface water (VwV-road surface water)
Edition 1985-09-22

Administrative provision

ETBFormaldehydOrtschaumRLBek RP

Introduction of the ETB guideline for the formaldehyde emission into room air when using urea formaldehyde resin in-situ foam - issue April 1985
Edition 1986-01-20

Administrative provision

ElekAnlPrüfBekÄndBek BY 1981

Regular inspection of electrical installations, lightning protection and aerial installations in buildings and facilities owned, taken on rent and leased by the state
Edition 1981-09-22

Administrative provision

HeizBetrAnw BR

Instruction for the commencement and the end of heating operations and for room temperatures in heating operations during utilization periods in public buildings (Heating operations)
Edition 1982-03-01