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ELSTA project completed Successful contribution to the promotion of electromobility
( 2025-01-14 ) After four and a half years of intensive work, the ELSTA project (Promotion of electromobility through standardization) ended in December 2024. Under the leadership of DIN (German Institute for Standardization) and in close cooperation with DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) and VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry), the project has successfully supported national stakeholders and advanced international standardization in the field of electromobility. More
Charging electric vehicles more reliable, efficient, and user-friendly New standard to improve the charging experience for users
( 2024-11-05 ) In an era marked by the exponential growth of electric vehicles (EVs), the seamless interoperability of charging systems stands as a cornerstone for the widespread adoption of sustainable transportation. More
Ensuring a digital future for healthy ageing Pharaon’s final conference
( 2024-07-15 ) The final conference of the EU-funded project Pharaon – Pilots for active and healthy ageing brought together a range of different stakeholders to discuss the role of integrated technology services in supporting healthy ageing in Europe… with an ethical and personalised approach at the forefront. More
Kick-off for the CEN Workshop Agreement on "Soil-sediment-water system - Solutions to deal with PMT/vPvM substances" Thursday, 2024-02-15, 09:00 to 12:00, virtual
( 2024-01-25 ) On Thursday, February 15, 2024, the kick-off for the CWA on "Soil-sediment-water system - Solutions to deal with PMT/vPvM substances" will take place. The Horizon Europe research projects PROMISCES, ZeroPM and SCENARIOS all aim at developing solutions to tackle the various challenges concerning the detection, risk assessment, remediation, and prevention of PMT (persistent, mobile, toxic)/vPvM (very persistent, very mobile) substances from entering the soil-sediment-water system. The CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) is intended to present a collection of these solutions and is targeted at all stakeholders active in the field of PMT management, whether they are researchers, public authorities, problem owners, water utilities, soil/brownfield actors or companies developing market-ready solutions. Join us at the kick-off on February 15, 2024 and contribute your experience! Registrations and comments on the project plan can still be submitted until 31.01.2024. Further information, the ... More
Workshop on "Electronic Identity eMpowered Public Services" from the european research project IMPULSE
( 2023-11-06 ) The European research project IMPULSE organizes a workshop on 19 January 2024 on the topic of „Electronic Identity eMpowered PUbLic SErvices” in Rome. The 2024 Workshop on electronic identity empowered public services aims at bringing together scholars, solution makers and educators to establish common ground on the topic. The main goal of the event is to encourage discussion, promote the exchange of ideas, and the development of new ways of researching, and implementing novel solutions for empowering the utilization of electronic identification solutions. The perspective is on current challenges, successful approaches, and novel strategies of establishing public services empowered by digital identities. Paper abstracts in English can be submitted until 22 November 2023. Accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full article for the JIM (Journal of Innovation management) special issue on digital identities. The JIM is an open science journal. More information on the ... More
Pharaon 2nd Open Call launched
( 2023-08-08 ) The Pharaon Project, co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857188, will offer financial support to third parties through an open call for contributions to the project. Pharaon’s inviting small consortia of up to three partners to complete and complement the evolution process of the Pharaon Ecosystem through the following specific actions: To expand the capabilities of the Pharaon ecosystem by bringing new digital solutions and technologies that address one or more of the Pharaon Challenges To extend the reach of Pharaon beyond the boundaries of the current pilots by implementing new pilots with their own users that validate the selected digital solutions and technologies. The consortia will have to bring the new users and manage the pilot implementation and follow up. To demonstrate that the Pharaon interoperability tools provide a robust and easy-to-use framework that will facilitate Pharaon ecosystem evolution ... More
CWA 17933 - Digital health innovations — Good practice guide for obtaining consent for the use of personal health information for research and innovations now published
( 2023-07-04 ) Digital innovations in healthcare are still in development or in the evaluation process, which is why formal patient consent is required for all phases of their application, for example in pilot projects. CWA 17933 – Good practice guide for obtaining consent for the use of personal health information for research and innovations is supposed to help with this. More than 30 stakeholders from Europe contributed, among others, their experience from European H2020 health research projects (ADLIFE, InteropEHRate, KATY, PHArA-ON, SHAPES, SMART BEAR) and developed the content of the specification. This document describes which aspects should be considered when obtaining consent and what kind of consent is required in different situations, for example for future reuse of the data collected. It also outlines how ethical and data privacy protection requirements, formulation of consent forms, and the collection of consent by the ethics committee, if applicable, are to be considered. CWA 17933 ... More
Kick-Off to CEN Workshop Agreement zu 'Guidelines on Action Research for Large Scale Piloting' Monday 17th July 2023, from 10:00 – 13:00 CEST as a web meeting
( 2023-06-19 ) Many R&I projects include Action Research for pilot projects in their work program. However, there is still a lack of a consistent way to best collect and analyse/exploit data to facilitate replicability of methods used in Action Research and how to ensure for validation across pilots. The development of this CWA is intended to address such issue using lessons learned and best practices from the Pharaon project. In this CWA, validated and standardized Action Research methods and questionnaires for large scale pilots will be shared. This way, the CWA “Guidelines on Action Research for Large Scale Piloting” will help other research organisations and future projects to conduct Action Research properly. Feel free to join us at the kick-off on July 17, 2023 to share your experiences! For more information, the kick-off agenda, and the preliminary business plan, click here. More
Draft publication and webinar prCWA 17727 – Disaster Risk Management / Climate Change Adaptation Framework
( 2022-02-18 ) While negative impacts of climate-related and other hazards on urban areas are widely discussed, their impacts on historic areas within cities and communities have not been studied extensively enough. Draft CWA 17727 defines an integrated approach that combines disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) activities for historic areas in communities. The overall DRM/CCA Framework in prCWA 17727 includes a: characterisation of historic areas and their exposure to natural and climate change-induced hazards, set of requirements and recommendation on how historic areas can become more resilient, step-by-step process to manage disasters, and to perform and monitor resilience-building activities. By publishing the draft document for review and commenting the development group of prCWA 17727 wishes to get feedback on the content, for example from: community/historic area decision makers, technical staff, as well as by councillors working on risk and vulnerability ... More
DIN initiates new CEN Workshop on search and rescue technologies Urban search and rescue - Guideline for the application of a test method for innovative technologies to detect victims in debris
( 2021-10-28 ) In the face of natural or man-made disasters, urban search and rescue (SaR) teams and other first responders like police, medical units, civil protection or volunteers, race against the clock to locate survivors within the critical 72-hour timeframe (Golden Hours), facing challenges such as instable structures or hazardous environments but also insufficient situational awareness – all resulting in lengthy SaR processes. In order to speed up the detection of survivors trapped in collapsed buildings and to improve working conditions for the first responders, the EU-funded research project CURSOR designed an innovative Search and Rescue Kit (CURSOR SaR Kit) based on drones, miniaturized robotic equipment, advanced sensors and incident management applications. The overreaching aim of CURSOR is to develop a SaR kit that will be easy and fast to deploy leading to a reduced time in detecting and locating trapped victims in disaster areas. To make sure that these solutions are meeting ... More