Technical Rule [WORK ITEM]

VDI 4635 Blatt 2.1
Power-to-X; Power-to-Gas

Title (German)

Power-to-X; Power-to-Gas

Brief description

The aim of the planned directive is to define and calculate technical parameters (physical quantities) and to establish the balance limits for technical and ecological parameters (LCA). This is intended to achieve a uniform nomenclature and uniform calculation in the power-to-gas sector. An overview of the state of the art with recommendations, usable for authorities, crediting of PtG/X possible, heat primary energy factor/building energy law, fuels RED2, emissions trading, etc. is given. In addition to approval procedures, other framework conditions for the use of PtG systems are considered (building law, water law, hardware (CE, TÜV - manufacture, construction, acceptance), Pressure Equipment Directive vs. Machinery Directive) with examples of implementation. Various technical aspects are considered (possibly in individual sheets) such as - Electrolysis - power-to-hydrogen - methanization - Methanol synthesis - CO2 capture/provision - Water supply and disposal

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

Developing committee

VDI 4635 - AG Power-to-Gas

areas / working committees

Production, Application and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Production plants, Industry and Safety

topics / working groups

Electrolysis, PtX and Explosion protection