Technical Rule [WORK ITEM]

VDI 4635 Blatt 1.2
Power-to-X, systemic aspects

Title (German)

Power-to-X; Systemische Aspekte

Brief description

This guideline clarifies and standardizes the relationships between the various processes of PtX systems (methanation, hydrogen production, CO2 supply, etc.) so that the processes fit together. The respective system boundaries and system parameters from the individual modules as well as the transfer parameters at the interfaces are important here. Furthermore, methods for multi-criteria evaluation are recommended and categorized so that PtX systems and PtX processes can be evaluated and compared with each other. The criteria include technical as well as economic, ecological and social aspects (e.g. evaluation of site-specific concepts, acceptance, infrastructure, CO2 benefit, economic efficiency).

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

Developing committee

VDI 4635 - AG Systemische Aspekte

areas / working committees

Production, Application and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Production plants, Industry and Safety

topics / working groups

Electrolysis, PtX and Explosion protection