Technischer Bericht [PRELIMINARY WORK ITEM]

ISO/AWI TR 15916
Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems

Title (German)

Grundsätzliche Betrachtungen zur Sicherheit von Wasserstoffsystemen

Brief description

ISO/TR 15916 provides guidelines for the use of hydrogen in its gaseous and liquid forms as well as its storage in either of these or other forms (hydrides). It identifies the basic safety concerns, hazards and risks, and describes the properties of hydrogen that are relevant to safety. Detailed safety requirements associated with specific hydrogen applications are treated in separate International Standards.

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

Developing committee

ISO/TC 197 - Hydrogen technologies

National committee

National mirror committee

NA 032-03-06 AA - Wasserstofftechnologie

areas / working committees

Production, Infrastructure, Application, Quality Infrastructure and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Production plants, Hydrogen quality, Transmission and distribution grids, Storage, Power supply and reversible fuel cells, Industry, Mobility, Materials, Components and Safety

topics / working groups

Electrolysis, Hydrogen quality, Piping, Underground gas storage, Liquefaction, Power plants, turbines, CHP plants, (Petro)chem. Industry, PtX, Thermoprocessing equipment, Steel industry, Fueling interfaces, Rail vehicles, Maritime sector, Special vehicles, Metallic materials, Components for applications and technologies, Safety design principles and Explosion protection