ISO/AWI 19881
Gaseous hydrogen - Land vehicle fuel containers

Title (German)

No German title available

Brief description

This document contains requirements for the material, design, manufacture, marking and testing of serially produced, refillable containers intended only for the storage of compressed hydrogen gas for land vehicle operation. These containers a) are permanently attached to the vehicle, b) have a capacity of up to 1 000 l water capacity, and ) have a nominal working pressure that does not exceed 70 MPa.

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

Developing committee

ISO/TC 197 - Hydrogen technologies

National mirror committee

NA 032-03-06 AA - Hydrogen technologies

areas / working committees

Application and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Mobility, Safety and Product certification

topics / working groups

Road vehicles, Rail vehicles, Special vehicles and Explosion protection