Standard [WORK ITEM]

ISO/AWI 17268-3
Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection devices — Part 3: Cryo-compressed hydrogen gas

Title (German)

No German title available

Brief description

This document defines the design, safety and operation characteristics of cryo-compressed hydrogen land vehicle (CcHLV) refuelling connectors. CcHLV refuelling connectors consist of the following components, as applicable: • — receptacle and protective cap (mounted on vehicle); • — nozzle; • — communication hardware. This document is applicable to refuelling connectors which have nominal working pressures or hydrogen service levels up to 40 MPa. This document is not applicable to refuelling connectors dispensing blends of hydrogen with natural gas, gaseous or liquid hydrogen.

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

areas / working committees

Application, Quality Infrastructure and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Mobility, Materials and Safety

topics / working groups

Fueling interfaces, Road vehicles, Rail vehicles, Special vehicles, Composites and plastics and Explosion protection