ISO/AWI 13984
Liquid Hydrogen Land Vehicle Fueling Protocol

Title (German)

Flüssigwasserstoff - Schnittstelle für die Betankung von Landfahrzeugen

Brief description

This Standard specifies the characteristics of liquid hydrogen refuelling and dispensing systems on land vehicles of all types in order to reduce the risk of fire and explosion during the refuelling procedure and thus to provide a reasonable level of protection from loss of life and property. It is applicable to the design and installation of liquid hydrogen (LH2) fuelling and dispensing systems.

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

Developing committee

ISO/TC 197 - Hydrogen technologies

National mirror committee

NA 032-03-06 AA - Hydrogen technologies

areas / working committees

Infrastructure, Application and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Storage, Mobility, Safety and Product certification

topics / working groups

Liquefaction, Fueling interfaces, Road vehicles, Rail vehicles, Special vehicles and Explosion protection