G 498 (A)
Pressure Vessels in Pipelines and Installations for the Pipeline Bound Supply of Gas and Hydrogen to the General Public
Druckbehälter in Rohrleitungen und Anlagen zur leitungsgebundenen Versorgung der Allgemeinheit mit Gas und Wasserstoff
Brief description
This DVGW Code of Practice supplements DVGW Code of Practice G 265-1 with the specific safety requirements for the systems referred to in paragraph 1, which must be observed with regard to the material properties of hydrogen and hydrogen-enriched gas. When applying DVGW Code of Practice G 462, G 463 and G 472 for pipes within the feed-in system and connecting pipes, it supplements hydrogen-specific requirements. When applying DVGW worksheets G 491 and G 492 to pressure control and measuring systems as part of the feed-in system, it also supplements the hydrogen-specific requirements. It also describes the metrological handling of hydrogen in the course of the feed-in.