DVGW-Technical Information [WORK ITEM]

G 102-7 (M)
Qualification Criteria for Technical Experts in the Gas Infracstructure - Part 7: Specific Requirements for Technical Experts for Gas Pipelines with a maximum operating Pressure of more than 5 bar

Title (German)

Qualifikationsanforderungen an Sachkundige der Gasinfrastruktur – Teil 7: Spezifische Anforderungen an Sachkundige für Gasleitungen von mehr als 5 bar

Brief description

DVGW Code of Practice G 102-7 describes the expert knowledge requirements for the operation and maintenance of gas pipes with a maximum permissible operating pressure of more than 5 bar in accordance with DVGW Code of Practice G 465-2 and G 466-1. Together with DVGW Code of Practice G 102-1, it serves as the basis for training and updating the knowledge of experts.

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

Developing committee

DVGW G-TK-1-1 - Gas transmission pipelines

areas / working committees

Infrastructure and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Transmission and distribution grids and Weiterbildung

topics / working groups

Plant engineering