DVGW-Technical Information
G 102-3 (M)
G 102-3 (M)
Qualification Criteria for Technical Experts in the Gas Infrastructure - Part 3: Specific Requirements for Gas Measuring System and Gas Quality Measurements
Title (German)
Qualifikationsanforderungen an Sachkundige der Gasinfrastruktur – Teil 3: Spezifische Anforderungen an Sachkundige für Gasmessanlagen nach DVGW G 492 (A)
Brief description
DVGW Code of Practice G 102-3 sets out the technical content for obtaining expert knowledge in accordance with DVGW Code of Practice G 492 and G 488 and, together with DVGW Code of Practice G 102-1, serves as the basis for training and updating the level of knowledge of experts in accordance with the aforementioned codes of practice.