DVGW-Technical Rule [PUBLISHED]

G 1010 (A)
Requirements for Qualification and Organization for the Operation of Gas Pipework on Plant Premises

Title (German)

Anforderungen an die Qualifikation und die Organisation zum Betrieb von Gasanlagen auf Werksgelände

Brief description

This Code of Practice G 1010 contains requirements for the qualification and organization of operators of gas systems on factory premises that are connected to the public gas supply (customer systems for company self-supply in accordance with § 3 No. 24b EnWG). They include gas installations in the area of industrial gas use up to the last shut-off device before the gas is used. This worksheet applies to gas systems that are operated with gases of the 2nd and 5th gas family in accordance with DVGW G 260 (A). If the gas systems are operated with natural gas-hydrogen mixtures of the 2nd gas family or with hydrogen of the 5th gas family, the guidelines for H2-readiness infrastructure, DVGW G 221 (M), and gas application, DVGW G 655 (M), must also be observed. For gases that do not comply with the provisions of G 260 (A), this Technical Code can be applied mutatis mutandis, taking into account the specific properties of the gases (e.g. metallurgical gases, landfill gases) and any other existing provisions. For gases of the 3rd gas family according to DVGW G 260 (A) (liquefied gas), reference is made to DVGW G 1040 (A) or TRF / DGUV Rule 110-010 and BetrSichV for the collective supply of liquefied gas. For biogas plants, reference is made to DVGW G 1030 (A). The aim of this worksheet is to create a basis for safe supply - this includes the construction and safe operation of the gas pipeline system in accordance with the Energy Industry Act. By complying with the requirements of the DVGW regulations in this area, the points to be observed in the BetrSichV and DGUV Information 203-092 are also taken into account.

Issue date


Developing committee

DVGW G-TK-2-3 - Gas installation

National mirror committee

DVGW-G-TK-2-3 - Gas installation

areas / working committees

Infrastructure and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Transmission and distribution grids, Safety and Weiterbildung

topics / working groups

Piping, Safety design principles and Safety and integrity management