Standard [WORK ITEM]

DIN EN IEC 63341-3
Railway applications - Rolling stock - Part 3: Fuel cell systems for propulsion - Performance requirements and test methods

Title (German)

Bahnanwendungen - Schienenfahrzeuge - Teil 3: Brennstoffzellensysteme für den Antrieb - Leistungsprüfverfahren

Brief description

This document contains performance test methods for fuel cell power systems intended for use in electrically powered rail vehicles. It refers exclusively to hydrogen fuel cell power systems for rail vehicles with direct current. Internal combustion engines in hydrogen rail vehicles are not considered. Reformer-equipped fuel cell power systems are also not covered by the application of this document.

Issue date

Completion not yet foreseeable

Developing committee

IEC/TC 105 - Fuel cell technology

National mirror committee

DKE K384 - Brennstoffzellen

areas / working committees

Application and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Mobility and Safety

topics / working groups

Rail vehicles and Explosion protection