Standard [PUBLISHED]

DIN EN IEC 62282-8-301
Fuel cell technologies - Part 8-301: Energy storage systems using fuel cell modules in reverse mode - Power to methane energy systems based on solid oxide cells including reversible operation - Performance test methods

Title (German)

Brennstoffzellentechnologien - Teil 8-301: Energiespeichersysteme mit Brennstoffzellenmodulen im reversiblen Betrieb - Power-to-Methane-Energiesysteme auf Basis von Festoxidzellen einschließlich reversiblem Betrieb - Leistungsverhalten

Brief description

This standard describes performance test methods for power-to-methane systems based on solid oxide cells and a methanation reactor, which process water and carbon dioxide into methane gas using electrical energy.

Issue date


Developing committee

IEC/TC 105 - Energy

National mirror committee

DKE/K 384 - Brennstoffzellen

areas / working committees

Application and Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees

Power supply and reversible fuel cells, Mobility and Product certification

topics / working groups

Fuel cells and Rail vehicles