Standard [PUBLISHED]

DIN EN 746-5
Pressure equipment - Part 5: Inspection documentation of metallic materials and compliance with the material specification

Title (German)

Druckgeräte - Teil 5: Prüfbescheinigungen für metallische Werkstoffe und Übereinstimmung mit der Werkstoffspezifikation

Brief description

The document gives the specific hazards and safety requirements for the melting and use of molten salt that shall be provided by the manufacturer for Salt Bath Industrial Thermoprocessing Equipment, whether it is used as an independent unit or an integrated part of a plant. The limits of the equipment will include any transportation equipment which is located wholly or partially in the bath.

Issue date


Developing committee

CEN/TC 54 - Unfired pressure vessels

National mirror committee

NA 012-00-05 AA (SpA CEN/TC 54) - Unfired pressure vessels

topics / working groups

(Petro)chem. Industry