Standard [PUBLISHED]

DIN EN 61508-1*VDE 0803-1
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems — Part 1: General requirements

Title (German)

Funktionale Sicherheit sicherheitsbezogener elektrischer/elektronischer/programmierbarer elektronischer Systeme Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen (IEC 61508-1 :2010);

Brief description

Is to introduce the concept of functional safety and to give an overview of the IEC 61508 series of standards.

Issue date


Developing committee

IEC SC 65A - System aspects

National mirror committee

DKE/GK 914 - DKE Funktionale Sicherheit elektrischer, elektronischer und programmierbarer elektronischer Systeme (E, E, PES) zum Schutz von Personen und Umwelt

areas / working committees

Further Training, Safety, Certification

topic / sub working committees


topics / working groups

Safety design principles and Safety and integrity management