DIN CEN/TR 17797
Gas infrastructure –
Consequences of hydrogen in the gas infrastructure and identification of related
standardisation need in the scope of CEN/TC 234
Gasinfrastruktur - Auswirkungen von Wasserstoff in der Gasinfrastruktur und Identifikation des zugehörigen Normungsbedarfs im Zuständigkeitsbereich des CEN/TC 234
Brief description
This document was drafted in preparation for future standardisation of hydrogen in gas infrastructure. It includes • an assessment of the technical impact of hydrogen injection into the gas infrastructure, i.e the onshore transport network to the inlet of gas appliances and • the identification of expected need for revision of the existing CEN/TC 234 standards and the need for further new standards. The impact assessment was carried out for several hydrogen concentrations - up to 20 Vol.-% in natural gas and for 100 Vol.-% along the parts of the gas infrastructure under the remit of CEN/TC 234 Working Groups 1 to 12. It had been presumed pure hydrogen is injected, i.e. without gas accompanying substances. The assessment was based on available studies, reports and research results at the time of elaboration. The information from this report is intended to define the CEN/TC 234 work programme for the collection of H2NG within the remit of CEN/TC 234 and its working groups. Additional standardization needs will be identified in the further processes. Some specific impacts of hydrogen on the gas infrastructure might already be investigated further or requires further pre-normative research. Furthermore, the interlinkage with relevant topics outside of the scope need cooperation and coordination with other CEN and CEN-CENELEC Technical Committees. NOTE: Progress in hydrogen will evolve over time. In principle, this will be reflected in the standardization process of CEN / TC 234.