Today’s idea. Tomorrow’s standard.

The success of a good idea often depends on how long it takes to reach the market. A DIN SPEC is the fastest way to turn research into a marketable product. No obligation to reach a consensus, and smaller, more agile working groups make it possible to develop a DIN SPEC within only a few months. Thanks to the worldwide respect for the DIN "brand", DIN SPECs are effective marketing instruments that are widely accepted by customer and potential partners alike. DIN's job is to ensure that a DIN SPEC does not conflict with any existing standards. With its international contacts, DIN Media sees that DIN SPECs are published and sold to a wide circle of customers. And any DIN SPEC can be used as a basis for a full standard.

DIN SPEC Case Studies

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  Case Study DIN SPEC 92001-1

Artificial Intelligence – Life Cycle Processes and Quality Requirements – Part 1: Quality Metamodel

PDF (139 KB)
  Case-Study DIN SPEC 92001-2

Artificial Intelligence – Life Cycle Processes and Quality Requirements – Part 2: Robustness

PDF (130 KB)
  Case Study DIN SPEC 92222

Reference Model for Industrial Cloud Federation

PDF (378 KB)