CWA Procedure

Europäische Flaggen
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A CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) reflects the consensus of all participants in the workshop, who are also responsible for the content. At European level, CWAs are developed under the leadership of the European standards organization, CEN.

A CWA does not have the status of a European Standard and there is no obligation to adopt it at national level. CWAs may not conflict with any existing European Standards. If a European Standard is published that conflicts with a CWA, the latter must be withdrawn.

A DIN SPEC developed according to the CWA procedure is the national adoption in Germany of a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA). This can be done when DIN holds the secretariat of the CWA workshop or if a request for such an adoption is submitted to DIN. In all cases, DIN must approve the adoption of a CWA as a DIN SPEC.

The procedures for developing a CWA are described at CEN.


DIN e. V.
Mr.   Dr.
Christian Grunewald

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

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