Current business plans

Number: 69

DIN SPEC 91504 2023-08 Barrier-free charging infrastructure for electric vehicles More 
DIN SPEC 91500 2023-08 Requirements for the structural and procedural organization of construction projects More 
DIN DKE SPEC 99002 2023-07 Terminology – AI in railway applications More 
DIN SPEC 19458 2023-06 Evaluation of the reusability of calcium silicate masonry demolition material as a raw material for the calcium silicate unit production More 
DIN SPEC 91315 rev 2023-05 General requirement for plasma sources in medicine More 
DIN SPEC 91489 2023-03 Requirements for fire limitation blankets for the use with electric car More 
DIN SPEC 77229-5 rev3 2023-02 Technical services - Service categories and contents for industrial process engineering systems - Part 5: Cold, heat and sound insulation More 
DIN SPEC 91377 2023-02 Data models and protocols in open urban platforms More 
DIN SPEC 77220 2022-12 Digital labeling and classification of personal protective equipment for industrial process and process engineering plants More 
DIN SPEC 91487 2022-12 Terms, definitions and characteristics for the use of digital twins of electric vehicles More