Current business plans

Number: 194

DIN SPEC 99003 2023-11 Description of defined error codes for using of charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles More 
DIN SPEC 91454-4 2023-10 Information exchange in the supply and value chain of construction products – Part 4: Cement More 
DIN SPEC 91507 2023-09 Communication interface for anti-theft devices on semitrailers More 
DIN SPEC 91499 2023-08 Optical test method for determining the number and size of visible impurities in plastic recyclate samples produced by hot pressing, and classification of plastic recyclates into impurity classes based on this method More 
DIN SPEC 91504 2023-08 Barrier-free charging infrastructure for electric vehicles More 
DIN SPEC 91503 2023-08 Procedure for the asynchronous Handover of Semi-Trailers in Relay Traffic More 
DIN DKE SPEC 99002 2023-07 Terminology – AI in railway applications More 
DIN SPEC 19458 2023-06 Evaluation of the reusability of calcium silicate masonry demolition material as a raw material for the calcium silicate unit production More 
DIN SPEC 35809 2023-06 Balancing the greenhouse gas emissions of municipalities More 
DIN SPEC 91496 2023-06 Recycling of printed polymer packaging – Evaluation of deinking using a test procedure More