NA 132

DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology

Standards [CURRENT]

ISO 18079-4
Ships and marine technology - Servicing of inflatable life-saving appliances - Part 4: Marine evacuation systems

Title (German)

Schiffe und Meerestechnik - Wartung von aufblasbaren Rettungsmitteln - Teil 4: Maritime Evakuierungssysteme

Responsible national committee

NA 132-01-13 AA - Maritime security (mirror committee for ISO/TC 8/SC 1)  

Responsible international committee

ISO/TC 8/SC 1/WG 1 - Lifesaving appliances and arrangements  

Edition 2018-06
Original language English
Price from 74.40 €
Table of contents


Anna Brause

Frankenstr. 18 b
20097 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 697084-17

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