NA 132

DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology

Standards [CURRENT]

ISO 19891-1
Ships and marine technology - Specifications for gas detectors intended for use on board ships - Part 1: Portable gas detectors for atmosphere testing of enclosed spaces

Title (German)

Schiffs- und Meerestechnik - Festlegungen für Gasdetektoren zum Gebrauch an Bord von Schiffen - Teil 1: Tragbare Gasdetektoren zur atmosphärischen Prüfung von geschlossenen Räumen

Responsible national committee

NA 132-03-02-02 AK - gas detection  

Responsible international committee

ISO/TC 8/SC 1/WG 3 - Fire protection  

Edition 2017-07
Original language English
Price from 49.20 €
Table of contents


Regis Yvon Foumena Evina

Frankenstr. 18 b
20097 Hamburg

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