DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology
VG 95919-2
Hoses and hose assemblies for potable and fresh water - Part 2: Hoses, detail standard; Text in German and English
Schläuche und Schlauchleitungen für Trink- und Frischwasser - Teil 2: Schläuche, Bauartnorm; Text Deutsch und Englisch
In the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces), hoses and hose assemblies in accordance with VG 95919-1 and VG 95919-2 are used for replenishment of potable, fresh and boiler feed water. VG 95919-2 (detail standard) applies only in conjunction with VG 95919-1 "Hose and hose assemblies for potable and fresh water - Part 1: Generic standard". This VG standard documents the general technical organizational requirements, including approval and government quality assurance. VG 95919-2 as a detail standard contains the dimensions, masses, pressures and materials of the pressure hoses without helices with textile braiding or cord fabric layer and the suction pressure hoses with steel wire helices. In Clause 7 "Supply item name and stock number", the allocation: designation and stock number are given in a table. This standard has been prepared by the DIN-Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee (NSMT), Technical Committee NA 132-02-07 AA "Betankungs- und Pipelineschläuche" ("Tubes for refuelling and pipelines").