NA 132

DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 83212-2
Swimming pools on sea going ships - Pool ladder - Part 2: Single components and testing

Title (German)

Schwimmbäder auf Seeschiffen - Beckensteigleiter - Teil 2: Einzelteile und Prüfung


This standard specifies the dimensions, materials and designs of individual components for swimming pools in accordance with DIN 83212-1 as well as the tests to be carried out.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 132-01-04 AA - Traffic routes  

Edition 2013-03
Original language German
Price from 43.40 €
Table of contents


Anna Brause

Frankenstr. 18 b
20097 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 697084-17

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