DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology
DIN EN ISO 10325
Fibre ropes - High modulus polyethylene - 8-strand braided ropes, 12-strand braided ropes and covered ropes (ISO 10325:2009); German version EN ISO 10325:2009
Faserseile - Hochmodulares Polyethylen - 8-litzige geflochtene Seile, 12-litzige geflochtene Seile und ummantelte Seile (ISO 10325:2009); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 10325:2009
The standard DIN EN ISO 10325 specifies the requirements for 8-strand and 12-strand braided ropes, and for covered rope constructions made of high modulus polyethylene (HMPE), and gives rules for their designation. In the standard a differentiation is made between three construction types (types L, T and C). For these construction types the linear density and the minimum breaking force related to the reference number of the rope are specified. This document (EN ISO 10325:2009) has been prepared by Working Group WG 21 "Ropes, cordage and netting" (secretariat: France) of Technical Committee ISO/TC 38 "Textiles" (secretariat: BSI, United Kingdom). For the European work the responsible Working Group is WG 3 "Faserseile, Erntebindegarne und Fischnetze" ("Ropes and agricultural twines and fishing nets") of Technical Committee CEN/TC 248 "Textile and textile products" (secretariat: BSI, United Kingdom). Regarding the German collaboration at DIN the responsible Working Committee is NA 132-01-08 AA "Faserseile" ("Fibre ropes") of the Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee (NSMT).