NA 132

DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology

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Drafts of NA 132

Number: 24

DIN 85051-1/A1 2025-05 Pressfitting systems for pipes for use in shipbuilding - General requirements and test methods - Part 1: Operating pressures up to 16 bar - Amendment 1 More 
DIN 86292 2025-02 Ships and marine technology - Waste water treatment plants - Methods of sampling More 
DIN ISO 17631 2025-01 Ships and marine technology - Shipboard plans for fire control, damage control, life-saving appliances and means of escape (ISO 17631:2022); Text in German and English More 
DIN 86103 2024-12 Sockets for screwed ends with metric fine thread and Whitworth pipe thread More 
DIN EN 14144 2024-12 Lifebuoys - Requirements, tests; German and English version prEN 14144:2024 More 
DIN EN 14206 2024-11 Inland navigation vessels - Gangways for passenger vessels - Requirements, tests; German and English version prEN 14206:2024 More 
DIN ISO 16165 2024-10 Ships and marine technology - Marine environment protection - Vocabulary relating to oil spill response (ISO 16165:2020); Text in German and English More 
DIN EN ISO 12215-9 2024-09 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 9: Sailing craft appendages (ISO/DIS 12215-9:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 12215-9:2024 More 
DIN 86735 2024-09 Oil-water separators - Tank system for bilge water on seagoing vessels More 
DIN EN 18071 2024-08 Inland navigation vessels - Bunkering of methanol; German and English version prEN 18071:2024 More