DIN Standards Committee Quality Management, Statistics and Certification
DIN 51899
Gas analysis - Measurement programs and data evaluation procedures for gas chromatography and other comparison methods; only on CD-ROM
Gasanalyse - Messprogramme und Auswertungsverfahren für die Gaschromatographie und andere Vergleichsmethoden; nur auf CD-ROM
This document has been prepared by Working Committee NA 062-05-73 AA "Gasanalyse und Gasbeschaffenheit" ("Gas analysis and gas quality") of the Material Testing Standards Committee (NMP). This standard describes measuring programs and data evaluation methods for gas analyses. This could mean, for example, that a reduced effort during the calibration can be compensated by additional quality control measures or an increase of measurement uncertainty. The different alternatives are made so compatible that, during the implementation conforming to the standard, a uniform level for the reliability of the analysis results including their measurement uncertainty is reached. The analysis methods dealt with in this standard are comparison methods which are calibrated with reference gas mixtures (calibration gases). For all measurement programs, the validity of each calibration is ensured by validation with independent reference gas mixtures (quality control gases). In the standard, all common calibration methods are dealt with: one-point calibration, two-point calibration (bracketing method) and multi-point calibration. The standard is equally applicable to series analyses and single analyses. The methods for determination of measurement uncertainty correspond to the principles in the "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" (GUM) [DIN V ENV 13005]. To facilitate the evaluation of analyses with one- and two-point calibration according to this standard, a calculation tool in the form of an add-in for Microsoft Excel has been developed. This is included in the standard.