NA 075

DIN Standards Committee Personal Protective Equipment

DIN EN 365 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN EN 365 Berichtigung 1 Edition 2007-04 Title Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - General requirements for instructions for use, maintenance, periodic examination, repair, marking and packaging; German version EN 365:2004, Corrigenda to DIN EN 365:2004-12; German version EN 365:2004/AC:2006 More 
Document number DIN 14927 Edition 2018-11 Title Belt for positioning for firemen with 2-thorn-buckle and karabiner with multifunctional eye - Requirements, testing, marking More 
Document number DIN 19427 Edition 2017-04 Title Personal fall protection equipment - Personal protective equipment against falls from a height for use on mobile elevating working platforms More 
Document number DIN 19428 Edition 2018-03 Title Personal fall protection equipment - Rope clamps and webbing clamps - Safety requirements and test methods More 
Document number BGI/GUV-I 5148 ; DGUV Information 203-047:2011-01 Edition 2011-01 Title Information - Schutz gegen Absturz beim Bau und Betrieb von Freileitungen More 
Document number BGI/GUV-I 8683 ; DGUV Information 203-058:2010-10 Edition 2010-10 Title Information - Schutz gegen Absturz bei Arbeiten an elektrischen Anlagen auf Dächern More 
Document number DGUV Information 203-019 Edition 2018-11 Title Arbeiten an Fahrleitungsanlagen More 
Document number DGUV Information 203-060 ; BGI/GUV-I 8691:2016-04 Edition 2016-04 Title Arbeiten an Funkstandorten More 
Document number DGUV Regel 112-198 ; BGR/GUV-R 198:2019-09 Edition 2019-09 Title Benutzung von persönlichen Schutzausrüstungen gegen Absturz More 
Document number DIN 14800-16 Edition 2015-11 Title Fire-fighting equipment for fire-fighting and rescue service vehicles - Part 16: Pulley block appliance set for the rescue from heights and depths up to 30 m More