NA 074

DIN Standards Committee Paper, board and pulps

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Projects of NA 074

Number: 36

ISO/DIS 5267-2 2023-01-30 Pulps - Determination of drainability - Part 2: "Canadian Standard" freeness method More  Comment 
ISO/FDIS 3036 2022-07-04 Board - Determination of puncture resistance using a pendulum device More  Comment 
ISO/FDIS 12507 2022-03-10 Paper and Pulp - Deinkability test for printed paper product mixtures containing woodfree printed paper More  Comment 
ISO/PWI 3783 2021-05-26 Paper and board - Determination of resistance to picking - Accelerated speed method using the IGT-type tester (electric model) More  Comment 
ISO 16260 2010-05-21 Paper and board - Determination of internal bond strength More