DIN Standards Committee Paper, board and pulps
CEN/TC 172
Pulp, paper and board
Standardization of nomenclature, test methods and specifications in the area of : - fibrous raw materials for pulp manufacture, such as pulpwood; - recovered paper; - pulps; - auxiliary materials specifically intended for paper and board manufacture, such as fillers, pigments and starches and binders; - papers (including paper and board) and in particular printing and administration papers; industrial papers and specialty papers; sanitary papers, packaging papers including corrugated board; products mainly consisting of pulp, paper and board, including coated, impregnated and laminated papers, printed or unprinted, as well as materials for packaging and packaging aids but excluding finished packages
National mirror committee of CEN/TC 172
Committee ID | Name |
NA 074 BR | Board of DIN Standards Committee Paper, Board and Pulps |