NA 074

DIN Standards Committee Paper, board and pulps

About NPa

The DIN Standards Committee Paper, board and pulps (NPa) is part of DIN and the responsible committee for the standardisation in the field of requirements and test methods. In detail, the requirements and specifications cover the following areas:

  • raw material(s);
  • pulps;
  • finished commodities and products;
  • ageing resistance;
  • criteria for the assessment of environmental efficiency.

For the examination of the requirements and specifications the following corresponding test methods have to be specified:

  • chemical-technological test methods;
  • optical test methods;
  • physical-technological test methods.

Included are ability tests for inkjet-media as well as test methods for tissue paper, tissue products and non-woven.

The NPa is the National mirror committee of ISO/TC 6 "Paper, board and pulps" (Secretariat Canada) and responsible for co-ordinating the German work for the International (ISO) standardisation.

The NPa is also the National mirror committee of CEN/TC 172 "Pulp, paper and board" (Secretariat DIN-NPa, Germany) and responsible especially for the guidance of the Secretariat of CEN/TC 172.

EN 646 & EN 648

Source for examples of glass fibre papers

One source for the glass fibre papers that meets the requirements of EN 646 and EN 648 is the glass fibre paper MN 86/70 BF (60 mm x 90 mm) with the article/order number 40086/70/001 of a product supplied by Macherey-Nagel.

This information is given for the convenience of users of EN 646 and EN 648 and does not constitute an endorsement by CEN or DIN of the product named. Equivalent products may be used if they can be shown to lead to the same results.

How is NPa composed?


DIN e. V.
Michaela Treige

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

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More information

New projects
Document number Begin Title
DIN 54379 2024-12-19 Testing of paper and board - Determination of the total colony count More  Comment 
DIN ISO 7763 2024-10-25 Testing of paper and board - Compressive strength of a sample held in S-shape (ISO 7763:2024) More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 3038 2024-10-22 Corrugated fibreboard - Determination of the water resistance of the glue bond by immersion More  Comment 

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Current Draft Standards
Document number Edition Title
DIN 53119-2 2025-01 Testing of paper - Determination of friction - Part 2: Inclined plane method More  Read draft and comment
DIN 53116 2024-12 Testing of paper - Determination of grease permeability More  Read draft and comment

All draft standards  

New publications
Document number Edition Procedure Title
DIN ISO/TS 23885 2025-01 VN Paper, board and graphic technology - Determination of the coating strength in the inner fold (ISO/TS 23885:2022); Text in German and English More  Read draft and comment
DIN ISO/TS 11371 2024-10 VN Pulps - Guidelines for using laboratory refiners to simulate industrial low consistency refining (ISO/TS 11371:2023) More  Order from DIN Media
DIN ISO 15359 2024-10 Standard Paper and board - Determination of the static and kinetic coefficients of friction - Horizontal plane method (ISO 15359:1999) More  Order from DIN Media

All publications  

Documents withdrawn without replacement
Document number Deadline for comments Title
DIN 54517 2025-02-28 Test of paper and board - Determination of dimensional change after immersion in water More  Comment 

All withdrawals