NA 109

DIN Standards Committee Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries

NA 109-00-01 AA
Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy - Mirror committee of CEN/TC 12 and ISO/TC 67

The working committee NA 109-00-01 AA represents the German interests in the field of oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy within the national, European and international standardization. This national working committee is the mirror committee of the following international and European bodies:

  • ISO/TC 67 "Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy";
  • ISO/TC 67/SC 8 "Arctic operations";
  • ISO/TC 67/SC 10 "Enhanced oil recovery";
  • ISO/TC 67/AHG 3 "Hydrogen and ammonia opportunities and standardisation needs within the O&G industry";
  • ISO/TC 67/CAG "Chair's Advisory Group";
  • ISO/TC 67/MC "Management committee";
  • ISO/TC 67/WG 2 "Operating integrity management";
  • ISO/TC 67/WG 4 "Reliability Engineering and technology";
  • ISO/TC 67/WG 5 "Aluminium alloy pipes";
  • ISO/TC 67/WG 13 "Bulk materials for offshore projects";
  • ISO/TC 67/WG 14 "Fuel ammonia combustion boiler";
  • ISO/TC 67/WG 15 "Green and lower carbon";
  • CEN/TC 12 "Öl- und Gasindustrie einschließlich kohlenstoffarmer Energieträger";
  • ISO/TC 193/SC 3 "Upstream area";
  • ISO/TC 263 "Coalbed methane (CBM)".

It should be noted that the topics on the excluded list of ISO/TC 67 and CEN/TC 12 are also not dealt with in NA 109-00-01 AA.

The working committee offers all interested German stakeholders the opportunity to actively participate in the standardization process, to contribute their ideas and suggestions and to take part in the exchange of information between national, European and International involved experts.

Subordinate Committees of NA 109-00-01 AA

Committee ID Name Sub-committees
NA 109-00-01-03 AK Drilling and completion fluids, well cements and treatment fluids - Mirror committee of ISO/TC 67/SC 3 0
NA 109-00-01-04 AK Drilling, production and injection equipment - Mirror committee of ISO/TC 67/SC 4 0
NA 109-00-01-05 AK Casing, tubing and drill pipe - Mirror committee zu ISO/TC 67/SC 5 0
NA 109-00-01-06 AK Process equipment, piping, systems, and related safety - Mirror committee of ISO/TC 67/SC 6 0
NA 109-00-01-07 AK Offshore structures - Mirror committee of ISO/TC 67/SC 7 0
NA 109-00-01-67 AK Materials, coatings and corrosion testing – Mirror committee of ISO/TC 67/WG 7, ISO/TC 67/WG 8 and ISO/TC 67/WG 11 0


DIN-Normenausschuss Erdöl- und Erdgasgewinnung (NÖG)
Mr.   Dipl.-Ing.

Achim Schaube

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2096
Fax: +49 30 2601-42096

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