DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing
DIN 50100
Load controlled fatigue testing - Execution and evaluation of cyclic tests at constant load amplitudes on metallic specimens and components
Schwingfestigkeitsversuch - Durchführung und Auswertung von zyklischen Versuchen mit konstanter Lastamplitude für metallische Werkstoffproben und Bauteile
This standard specifies requirements for load controlled fatigue testing which is used to determine characteristic values that describe the behaviour of metallic materials and components under cyclic loading with a constant amplitude (Wöhler test). This standard covers the test procedure, test evaluation and documentation of load-controlled tests in the time and long-term strength range between 104 and 107 cycles. The extrapolation of Wöhler lines beyond the experimentally documented range, in particular for Wöhler lines of type III (see also Clause 4), is not part of this standard. A Wöhler line with 50% failure probability is specified in this standard, as well as Wöhler lines within a failure probability of 10% and 90%. In this standard only the logarithmic normal distribution is used to evaluate the test results. Strain or shear controlled tests (LCF) are not covered by this standard. This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 062-01-45 AA "Ermüdungsprüfung" ("Fatigue Testing") at DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing (NMP).