DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing
DIN EN 60721-2-9
; VDE 0468-721-2-9:2015-09
Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-9: Environmental conditions appearing in nature - Measured shock and vibration data - Storage, transportation and in-use (IEC 60721-2-9:2014); German version EN 60721-2-9:2014
Klassifizierung von Umgebungsbedingungen - Teil 2-9: Natürliche Einflüsse - Beschreibung von Umgebungsbedingungen aus gemessenen Stoß- und Schwingungsdaten - Lagerung, Transport und Einsatz (IEC 60721-2-9:2014); Deutsche Fassung EN 60721-2-9:2014
Part 2-9 of the IEC 60721-2-9 series is created for the strategy for defining an environmental description from measured data acquired at multiple locations whilst a product is either in storage, being transported or in-use at weather or non-weather protected locations. This measured data is normally in the form of acceleration versus time records. This, in turn, will then allow appropriate severities to be chosen from the IEC 60068-2 series of shock and vibration test methods. Environmental levels given in IEC 60721-3 should then be applied, having been updated based upon the strategy described in this document IEC 60721-2-9. The responsible committee is DKE/K 131 "Umgebungsbedingungen, Klassifizierung und Prüfungen" ("Environmental conditions, classification and tests") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
DKE/K 131 - Umgebungsbedingungen, Klassifizierung und Prüfungen