NA 062

DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing

Standards [CURRENT]

EN 14078
Liquid petroleum products - Determination of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) content in middle distillates - Infrared spectrometry method

Title (German)

Flüssige Mineralölerzeugnisse - Bestimmung des Gehaltes an Fettsäuremethylester (FAME) in Mitteldestillaten - Infrarotspektrometrisches Verfahren

Responsible national committee

NA 062-06-13 AA - Molecular absorption spectrometry  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 19/JWG 1 - Vegetable fats and oils and their by-products for use in automotive fuels (Joint working group with CEN/TC 307)  

Edition 2014-05
Original language English
Price On Request



Richard Wicht

Große Elbstr. 131
22767 Hamburg

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