NA 062

DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing

DIN EN 1779 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
Document number DIN EN 1779 Berichtigung 1 Edition 2005-02 Title Corrigenda to DIN EN 1779:1999-10 More 
Document number DGZfP-DP 01 ; DGZfP-DP 1:2010-08 Edition 2010-08 Title Guideline on the selection of a suitable trace gas for leak testing according to DIN EN 13185 (including an annex on the selection of a leak testing method according to DIN EN 1779) More 
Document number DGZfP-DP 02 ; DGZfP-DP 2:2009-12 Edition 2009-12 Title Richtlinie zur Umrechnung der mit Prüfgasen gemessenen Leckageraten in andere Medien (Gase, Flüssigkeiten) More 
Document number VDG P 201 Edition 2002-05 Title Volumendefizite von Gussstücken aus Nichteisenmetallen More 
Document number BDG-Richtlinie P 202 ; VDG-Merkblatt P 202 Edition 2010-09 Title Volume deficits of castings - Made from aluminium, magnesium and zinc casting alloys More 
Document number BDG-Richtlinie P 211 ; VDG-Merkblatt P 211 Edition 2010-09 Title Volume deficits of castings made from copper and copper alloys More