NA 062

DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 58397-2
Production in optical engineering - Testing of lubricating greases for precision engineering and optical instruments - Part 2: Spreading

Title (German)

Optikfertigung - Prüfung von Schmierfetten für feinmechanisch-optische Geräte - Teil 2: Spreitverhalten


This standard shall be used for lubricating greases in accordance with DIN 58396-2 using worked penetration according to DIN ISO 2137 between 385 and 130 tenths of a millimetre (NLGI grades 0 to 5 according to DIN 51818). The method according to this standard is intended for assessing the oil retention of lubricating grease during applications for which it can be expected that the discharge of oil, under the influence of temperature, time, gravity, viscosity, capillary and/or interfacial forces can spread over such locations where they cause functional disturbances, for example, on optically or electrically effective components.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 062-06-52 AA - Lubricating greases: requirements and testing  

Edition 2012-03
Original language German
Price from 50.70 €
Table of contents



Jürgen Fischer

Große Elbstr. 131
22767 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 639004-61

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