NA 062

DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 54459
Structural adhesives - Testing of adhesively bonded joints - Preparation of samples for shear tensile tests from coil coated steel sheets

Title (German)

Strukturklebstoffe - Prüfung von Klebverbindungen - Herstellung von Zugscherproben aus bandbeschichteten Feinblechen


For comparative structural adhesive testing usually "thin samples for shear tensile tests" are prepared according to DIN 53281, where minimum thicknesses of 1,5 mm for steel substrates and 3 mm for aluminium or plastic substrates are chosen. Depending on the adhesive system and the selected overlap length, rupture of the adherend may occur for thinner substrates. DIN 54459 describes the preparation of reinforced samples for coil-coated steel sheets to avoid rupture of the adherend during mechanical testing. Furthermore, the reinforcement contributes to reduction of the bending moments and the resulting peel forces during mechanical testing. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-04-55 AA "Prüfung von Konstruktionsklebstoffen, -klebverbindungen und Kernverbunden" ("Testing of structural adhesives, structural adhesive bondings and sandwiches") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 062-10-02 AA - Test methods relevant to structural adhesive technology  

Edition 2011-08
Original language German
Price from 65.70 €
Table of contents



Nicole Kroll

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2028
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