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Projects of CEN/TC 430

DIN EN ISO 12807 rev 2024-08-20 Safe transport of radioactive materials - Leakage testing on packages More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 19443 rev 2024-03-12 Quality management systems - Specific requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2015 by organizations in the supply chain of the nuclear energy sector supplying products and services important to nuclear safety (ITNS) More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 19581 2024-02-09 Measurement of radioactivity - Gamma emitting radionuclides - Rapid screening method using scintillation detector gamma-ray spectrometry (ISO/CD 19581:2024); Text in German and English More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 19361 2024-01-24 Measurement of radioactivity - Determination of beta emitters activities - Test method using liquid scintillation counting (ISO/CD 19361:2024); Text in German und English More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 15382 2023-07-11 Radiological protection - Procedures for monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye, the skin and the extremities (ISO/CD 15382:2023); Text in German and English More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 19226 rev 2023-05-12 Nuclear energy - Determination of neutron fluence and displacement per atom (dpa) in reactor vessel and internals More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 14146 2023-01-10 Radiological protection - Criteria and performance limits for the periodic evaluation of dosimetry services for external radiation (ISO 14146:2024); German version EN ISO 14146:2024 More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 22765 2022-11-22 Nuclear fuel technology - Sintered (U,Pu)O₂ pellets - Guidance for ceramographic preparation for microstructure examination (ISO/DIS 22765:2023); English version prEN ISO 22765:2023 More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 20553 2021-11-19 Radiation protection - Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material (ISO/FDIS 20553:2024); German version FprEN ISO 20553:2024 More  Comment