NA 131

DIN Standards Committee Aerospace

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 4726
Aerospace series - Acceptance of the cosmetic variations in appearance of aircraft cabin parts; German and English version EN 4726:2015

Title (German)

Luft- und Raumfahrt - Akzeptanz von kosmetischen Qualitätsabweichungen bei Flugzeug-Kabinenbauteilen; Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN 4726:2015


This standard defines surfaces on visible components in the aircraft cabin. Surfaces will be considered under the aspects of technical feasibility of the industrial design. This standard is a guideline between airlines, supplier and OEMs with regard to cosmetic issues. This document aims to: a) Provide the supplier with quality criteria, which need to be met during the production, testing- and quality-inspection-process, b) Guide airline-, OEM- and supplier-quality assurance with a description of cosmetic standards for following inspections: - Supplier internal QA inspection; - First article inspection; Source inspection; - Incoming inspection; - Final assembly line cabin inspection. The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 131-09-02 AA "Sitze, Inflight-Entertainment" ("Seats, inflight-entertainment") at DIN Standards Committee Aerospace.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 131-09-02 AA - Seats, inflight-entertainment  

Responsible european committee

ASD-STAN/D 1 - Program Management and System Engineering  

Edition 2015-12
Original language German , English
Price from 139.20 €
Table of contents



Achim Schaube

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10787 Berlin

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