DIN Standards Committee Aerospace
DIN EN 16602-70-31
Space product assurance - Application of paints and coatings on space hardware; English version EN 16602-70-31:2014
Raumfahrtproduktsicherung - Anwendung von Farben und Beschichtungen auf Raumflug-Hardware; Englische Fassung EN 16602-70-31:2014
This standard defines the approach for producing a defined surface finish to spacecraft or associated equipment, by means of the controlled application of paint. This also includes measurements and verifications to be performed. This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristic and constrains of a space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00. This document (EN 16602-70-31:2014) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/CLC/TC 5 "Space", the secretariat of which is held by DIN (Germany). This document has been developed to specifically cover space systems and therefore has precedence over any European Standard since it covers the same scope but with a wider domain of applicability (for example aerospace). The responsible German body is Working Committee NA 131-10-01 AA "Interoperabilität von Informations-, Kommunikations- und Navigationssystemen" ("Interoperability of information, communication and navigation systems") of the DIN Standards Committee Aerospace (NL).