NA 131

DIN Standards Committee Aerospace

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN EN 9121
Aerospace series - Quality management systems - Assessment applicable to stockist distributors (based on ISO 9001:2000); German and English version EN 9121:2009

Title (German)

Luft- und Raumfahrt - Qualitätsmanagementsysteme - Audit für Händler und Lagerhalter (basiert auf ISO 9001:2000); Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN 9121:2009


To assure customer satisfaction, aerospace industry organizations must produce, and continually improve, safe and reliable products that meet or even exceed customer and regulatory authority requirements. The globalization of the aerospace industry, and the resulting diversity of regional/national requirements and expectations, has complicated this objective. End product organizations face the challenge of assuring the quality of, and integrating, products purchased from suppliers throughout the world and at all levels within the supply chain. Aerospace suppliers and processors must deliver products to multiple customers having varying quality expectations and requirements. The aerospace industry has established the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) for the purpose of achieving significant improvements in quality and safety, and reductions in cost, throughout the value stream. This organization includes representatives from aerospace companies in North and South America, Asia/Pacific, and Europe. This standard EN 9121:2009 has been prepared by IAQG and has been published by ASD-STAN, Technical Section Quality, for the IAQG sector Europe. The purpose of this document is to specify the content and the presentation of the assessment report of section 1 of EN 9100 (based on ISO 9100:2000). The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 131-05-01 AA "Grundlagen der Managementverfahren" ("Basic principles of management processes") of the Aerospace Standards Committee at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 131-05-01 AA - Quality and management processes  

Responsible european committee

ASD-STAN/D 6 - Quality and safety management  

Edition 2010-07
Original language German , English
Price from 133.20 €
Table of contents


Stella Kalantzis

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2369
Fax: +49 30 2601-42369

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